The Hawkshead Hobble is a 5km and 10km cross country course in the countryside surrounding the Royal Veterinary College campus.


The race takes place at:
Royal Veterinary College Sports Centre
Hawkshead Lane

It passes through the university campus and along public footpaths, before looping uphill through a private field. The route rejoins public footpaths, climbing uphill once more before a flat finish back at the RVC campus. Those running the 10km race will complete an additional loop.

Timetable for the day:

9.15am: venue opens

10.15am: registration closes

10.20am: pre-race briefing begins

10.30am: both 5km + 10km runs begin​


Onsite parking
Shuttle bus service from Potters Bar station
Bag storage (left at owner's risk)
Showers, toilets and changing rooms
Charity bakesale
Results and race photography

post race celebration

The Strafford pub will be offering a 10% discount on menu items for anyone who arrives with a cowbell medal after the race.

Address: Cranborne Parade, Mutton Ln, Potters Bar EN6 3BA